Part 4: My Moment of Truth

When you feel comfortable with wherever you are on your learning curve, you power up your resilience and enthusiasm for the process of change. Especially when the going gets tough. I know because I’ve been there.

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Roe Di Bona
Part 1: The Aliveness Map

What makes you feel confident, creative, curious, in love, and alive? The way you feel is your most potent source of the energy you need to jump into your goals and achieve amazing results. So how do you get there? The Aliveness Map allows you to tap into what makes you feel alive and free.

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How About Now?

All of our past choices are based on what we knew at the time, all things considered. In the present moment they no longer serve us. We can let them go. So, I ask you: How about now? What do you choose? You might feel it in your body, an internal leap, a tug or a sense of ease. That's the answer. It's so elegantly simple. What could be more loving? More accepting? Now is all that matters.

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Roe Di Bona
Gandhi's Insight

I delight in the paradox that we can find ourselves by losing ourselves in the moment of giving—in being present with another person. In any situation, no matter how dire it might seem, we have the power to create within us a sense of peace, satisfaction, trust and spiritual grounding.

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Roe Di Bona
Kings Can Do No More

I was hiking with a successful administrator and educator, and when I asked him what he attributes his success to, he said very humbly, “I do what I say I’m going to do, when I say I’m going to do it.” I appreciated the simplicity and directness of his words, and the meaning they held for me in my life. It’s the undeniable value in reliability and self-trust that supports change. That is how I support small business owners and personal coaching clients.

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Roe Di Bona
Diamond in the Rough

Back in my restaurant days — Our general manager, Steve, was the beating heart of the Rocking Horse Cafe. He absolutely loved “his” Chelsea restaurant—the food, our employees, and, of course, our customers. Steve had a strong work ethic and took great pride in the work we did together. But, he was a stereotypical “true New Yorker.” Scrappy, edgy, and kind of defensive. Steve definitely had a soft side, but it was buried beneath a tough exterior….

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Roe Di Bona
Peeling Back the Layers

For thirty years, my late husband and I owned the Rocking Horse Cafe, a bustling Mexican restaurant that became a sort of second home to the people in our Chelsea neighborhood. Why Mexican? Our first road trip together was in Mexico. During that trip (the first of many), we drove a rented VW Beetle across the Sierra Madres—it’s how I learned to drive a stick shift. We stopped at every little town, and waited in line outside the tortillerias, taking in the heady smell of warm corn tortillas at sunrise…

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Roe Di Bona