

“Roe and I worked together over the course of several sessions and each time I walked away I felt more empowered, excited and encouraged. Roe is an amazing listener and mentor that draws upon her own experiences…


She helped me move past those barriers that got in my way. She is frank and straightforward in keeping you on track albeit very sensitive to your needs. She has a calm, caring nature about her and takes genuine interest in your success. Her suggestions, ideas, and feedback challenged me to look at difficult roadblocks which were monumental in moving me forward with my vision by taking actions. Roe truly helped me see myself from many angles not only for my CEO development but also for my personal development! She has stimulated my growth and I will be forever grateful! I highly recommend Roe for your business growth as well as your own personal self growth.”

- Audrey Powell, Founder/CEO, Spicegrove, LLC

“At a time when I’ve been facing new life challenges, Roe Di Bona has provided me with a fresh outlook that has helped me to move beyond distress and into an enhanced perspective of confidence and joyfulness. Roe effectively guided me through an exploration of my own attitudes and beliefs. Through her non-judgmental and gentle questions, she enabled me to make my own discoveries, and to see my circumstances separately from my attitudes and responses to those circumstances. I found ways to take behavioral patterns that I had previously regarded as frustrating and self-limiting and, with only a slight shift in perspective, learned to embrace those patterns and use them as the basis for effective planning and action.

Throughout the process, I found Roe to be supportive, perceptive, patient and practical, and I found the dialogue sessions to be very nurturing. In keeping with my desire to take personal accountability in my life, these sessions enabled me to bring a real sense of responsibility to areas which I had felt had gotten out of control. Together, we unearthed plenty of food for thought and opportunities for personal growth. I highly recommend Roe to anyone who is looking to deal with new or old challenges in their life, and who has a desire to refocus their energies on the love and joy that is available to each of us.“

- T.R., Administrator

“I find Roe to be incredibly attentive to my "being". It is after the session you have a comfortable feeling - one of equanimity (definition: mental/emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium). Roe's non-judgmental stance and loving presence blend into her humble demeanor. I have never felt this with anyone else. She is quite unique this way. I look forward to exploring new depths within my belief system with her.”

- R. S., Student, Mother

“I have been working with Roe for over a decade and through the years I have personally witnessed the blossoming of her mentorship. Roe is wise, patient, and truly embodies happiness. She is a role model, a teacher, and now a mother to a most gifted and shining little one. I only have the deepest gratitude and look forward to continuing in our relationship. I would recommend Roe to anyone anywhere - she is quite simply one of the best in the field.”

- D. C., Editor, Writer, Mother

“Roe has provided me with a tool for life. From personal relationships to parenting, I have gained insight on how to appreciate the people I love. What is incredible is that this tool is ever useful; I have found that no matter the subject, there are always more beliefs to dig up and examine.

I feel that this is now an indispensable tool in my life. The dialogue is akin to donning a pair of glasses to help me see more clearly what my beliefs about things are - something that is not as apparent as one would think. Not only is this illuminating, it is as though a great burden is lifted when you get the ‘aha!’

With my children, I have adopted some new tenets - one big one is that I don’t owe my children anything. This is a radical switch from general consensus; resulting in me feeling good rather than resentful for all the things that I do for my children. It’s because I want to! And if I don’t want to do something - that’s ok!

With my partner, it has had a positive effect to break down barriers to communication when I didn’t think anything would. It is amazing how one accumulates beliefs about certain things. And some of them are toxic. To question them and bring them to light isa great instigator for discussion and resolution.

I feel blessed to have Roe available to me with all her wisdom, experience and love. I always look forward to my next session, reaching for ever more happiness and love.”

— P.C., Financial Analyst, Mother

“Working with Roe Di Bona was an incredible experience. Roe helped me grow and learn more about myself. It was a gentle and rewarding process. I’m able to see things with a fresh perspective and feel a renewed sense of possibilities. I’m excited about continuing my work with Roe.”

— R.G., Media Consultant

“Working with Roe Di Bona made it possible for my partner and I to evolve our honest, mutually supportive friendship into a happy loving life partnership. And it allowed me to move forward personally and professionally after a significant turn in the road. I highly recommend Roe for individuals and couples who want more happiness in their lives.”

— C. S., Collaborative Attorney/Mediator

“Working with Roe has been a truly insightful experience for me. I started sessions with her because there were certain things that I wasn’t happy about and wanted to address. Just talking about them with friends wasn’t helping. Roe assisted me with identifying my core beliefs and why I was making myself unhappy about those things.

Talking with Roe and being asked certain questions guided me to think about these patterns that have existed in my life and these situations that I wasn’t happy about, take a deeper look at them and know that they can change at this very moment if I decide to. She asked me questions that led to greater insight and empowerment. I never felt judged by Roe and in that non-judgmental atmosphere I felt much freer to explore, becoming completely happy and satisfied.”

— S. H., Social Worker

“I believe that Roe’s help, insight and guidance have been crucial to my partner and I working not only on our mutual issues, but also our individual issues. She has assisted us in gaining patience and in reducing our ‘knee-jerk’ reactions to what we see as stress around us. This has helped us in gaining peace and understanding in our lives. (more)

Roe has a gentle and patient hand in working with us. Her mentoring has not only been invaluable to us in the process, but also serves as a good example of how we can communicate with each other and those around us.

I would recommend Roe’s guidance to anyone who truly wants to face and work through their issues. I was a bit hesitant before starting, but I am quite impressed by its clarity and potential now.”

— R.W., Photographer