What is the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy? +

In therapy, the therapist is considered the diagnostician, the expert who identifies the issues and determines what feelings and behaviors should be addressed and how best to go about it.

In coaching there are no judgments about a person’s feelings or behaviors, just opportunities for a person to explore where they are now and what they’d like to do next.  You are your best expert and you will learn how to use the dialogue method to help yourself at any time, anywhere. It’s a simple, direct, short path with goals that you establish.  I’ll provide you with a metaphorical toolbox of questions and encouragement to help motivate change, comfort, and happiness.  You’ll become the best of what you want to be. 

Coaches are NOT trained to diagnose or treat anxiety, depression, addictions or phobias, etc. Working with a coach may help, but individuals who believe they are suffering from clinical conditions should seek the attention of a therapist before or in combination with a coach.

How Will We Work Together? +

The work that we’ll be doing together in one-on-one sessions, can be done either in person, on FaceTime, Skype or by phone.  The gentle, non-judgmental dialogues are what will guide you in exploring where you are now and how to move toward new goals and strategies.  You’ll always be moving forward even when discussing the past to clarify reasons for your present thoughts and feelings.

How long are sessions? +

Sessions are an hour long unless an extended session is arranged for in advance.


What is your policy on confidentiality? +

Confidentiality is a priority.  Our work together will always be held in complete confidence.