I’ve changed my life in more soaring, graceful leaps imaginable.  My passion is to help you do the same. 


I’m an Executive and Life Coach, devoted to supporting clients who want to boost their effectiveness and creativity in order to get more enjoyment out of their work and play. If you're struggling with self doubt and continue to hold yourself back, I help you get out of your own way. Together, we'll put together a plan to have you thrive on your strengths and strategies, while getting the clarity and confidence you need now to live your personal vision.

Imagine if jumping in with both feet could eventually feel like a glide.

  • Are you a leader struggling with self doubt and continuing to hold yourself back?

  • Do you find yourself coming up with the next great plan, but never seem to find the time to do it?

  • Are you always thinking about what’s next, but don’t know how to get there?

I help you get out of your own way. 

Roe and I worked together over the course of several sessions and each time I felt more empowered, excited and encouraged. Her suggestions, ideas, and feedback challenged me to look at difficult roadblocks which were monumental in moving me forward with my vision. Roe truly helped me see myself from many angles, not only for my CEO development but also for my personal development!
— Audrey Powell Founder/CEO Spicegrove, LLC

Together, we'll create a plan to have you thrive on your strengths and strategies, while getting the clarity and confidence you need now to live your personal vision. 

It’s simple, and it’s not. 

It’s direct, and that can feel scary.

But, by taking the steps to move you towards what you want, you’ll find your way to the other side.  

Meet Roe

My greatest joy is helping clients create the shortest distance between where they are and where they want to be.

And it’s something I’ve done for myself…

What made me successful as a small business owner and coach of my teams was transforming myself. In my first two years as an entrepreneur, business was booming, and I felt overwhelmed and burned out. Not only was there no work/life balance, but at that point in my career, I felt that I’d gotten exactly what I wished for: a growing, bustling business. But I regretted it. I felt trapped. 

I lifted the curtain on my self-imagined obligations — all of my shoulds and attitudinal shackles by resurrecting my mindset; knowing I had choice at every turn, and that taking control of my life meant being accountable for how I showed up: enthusiastic, energetic, alive, and agile! And I’ll seriously add being playful and finding joy at work as a requirement!

I’m an Executive and Life Coach who’s spent my career devoted to supporting clients who want to boost their effectiveness and creativity in order to get more enjoyment out of their work and play.

Nothing needs to change but you

Imagine what you want your life to be, with tools in hand, ready to make it real. If you find yourself asking, “What’s next?”, I can help you discover the underlying beliefs that get in the way of creating lasting change. In our work together you’ll learn how to trust who you are, trust your choices, and trust that you’ll turn your challenges into opportunities. That’s freedom!

As a Certified Executive Coach at the Zicklin School of Business, CUNY,  Certified Option Process Councilor, and Certified David Kessler Grief Educator, my clients rely on my ability to listen keenly and ask perceptive questions. I won’t let you off the hook, and you’ll love it. 

When change begets transformation 

Knowing that you’re the only person who creates your beliefs is the gift you’ll give yourself to live empowered. You’ll find that through this process, you’ll have the freedom to create new energy and enthusiasm for everything you love. Are you ready to live happier and get more of what you want in life?

Roe on the Go

When I’m not coaching, you can find me reaching unimaginably beautiful summits and expansive, soulful vistas with Alfie, my mini schnauzer. He’s one of my spiritual teachers, and also squeezable! Observing him strategically and nimbly scale a rock scramble is impressive. He’s there focused on my footing traversing precarious descents until I’ve placed at least one foot on level ground, and always helps me decide the best way home. Now that’s a best friend.