

Making the Ideal Practical


My Work as an Executive Coach

My approach is to help business owners and leaders reach their true potential, and achieve professional satisfaction and growth within the workplace. A key aspect of the process is to help clients align their goals with the vision and goals of the organization. Organizational Health is a mutually beneficial path to trust, collaboration and results.

Executives on every level explore their ideal selves as leaders; define their passions; and articulate and own their challenges. My work provides a strong foundation for them to decisively move forward with an emphasis on empowered leadership and self-accountability.  

The Practical Benefits of Organizational Health

Leadership that is confident, empowered and effective, nurtures creativity, a culture of collaboration and momentum toward your goals.

Dialogue is my tool that supports you in taking action by changing your behaviors. By asking open, non-judgmental questions, you’ll discover your beliefs: your motivation for the way you think, feel and behave. Through dialogue you’ll demystify why you do what you do.

Communication + Collaboration - Leaders learn how to articulate with clarity and efficiency the direction, information and agreements teams need to get the job done. Cohesive teams are motivated by shared common vision.

Accountability - Building trust by taking ownership of mindsets and behaviors that impact performance; agreements are kept by truly committing to doing what you say you’re going to do and when. 

Emotional Self-Management - Is knowing your triggers and how to choose alternative approaches on the spot, in the moment. Creating a safe, lively culture of openly addressing conflict to achieve resolution.

Work/Life Balance - The most effective way to have more free time is to be totally present at work or play. Focusing on work during scheduled blocks of time means more focused time with your family and friends.

My Philosophy and Experience: Building Mutual Trust

My work begins with the trust I develop with clients who want change. Change can be daunting, even when you think it can lead to the satisfaction of living your goals. Clients develop an ability to change with agility. 

As the owner of a small business for over 30 years, I understand how change in a person’s perspective is fundamental to their ability to learn, create, and commit to how they show up in the world with authenticity, and achieve 100% reliability. 

Working with more than 50 employees, what I loved most about my work life was my role as coach of my staff. Owning a successful restaurant in NYC required integrity, strong leadership, empowered teamwork, and crystal clear communication.

Actions always speak louder than words. Leaders develop an acute awareness of how their actions impact their interactions with their teams. You’ll thrive on the transparency and openness in your relationships.

The Leadership Development Plan

The Leadership Development Plan is a concrete roadmap to a client’s north star. It is the ideal made practical. Clients take charge in rediscovering what brings them purpose and joy in their work; appreciating the qualities and strengths they have and leveraging them; exploring self-limiting beliefs; and experiment with and practice new actions that support their desired change. The Leadership Development Plan includes the following bedrock course of action:

  • Initial Client/Sponsor Assessments

  • Client’s Personal Vision

  • Stakeholder Informational Interviews

  • Feedback Report Discussion with the Client

  • Establishing Client Goals/Actions/Deadlines/Accountability Partners

  • Client’s Plan Presentation to their Sponsor

  • Plan Implementation