Part 2: Map Your Aliveness First

This is the second video in a series exploring personal and professional growth, starting exactly where you are.


Does this sound familiar?

How many times have you made dutiful lists, with the very best of intentions, and yet, deep inside you knew you were setting yourself up for complete inaction? I’ve lost count myself. 

So, I set out to explore what I wanted more than anything else. I dug into how I wanted to feel.  

By looking within, I turned my focus on how I wanted to live my life, rather than what I wanted in my life.  To love, be curious and free — embracing my family and community. My aliveness, my happiness was within me all the time.

Once you commit to making your aliveness first on your roadmap, you’ll build the most amazing energy and enthusiasm for that same list of goals you initially resisted. 

Same list, completely different mindset. Now that’s amazing!

If you want to jump into how you want to live your life and discover what makes you feel alive, at peace, and empowered, I can help. 

Contact me at for a free consult. I look forward to connecting!